I've tried keeping other sorts of diaries over the years, but they usually fizzle out after a few months. I'll try my hardest to keep this up for the whole year! Even if I don't manage to log in to post, I'll make sure I actually take a photo every day, and then backdate the posts to the relevent date.
Why bother? Well, it may well be hard at times, but I think it will be interesting to make myself take a photo every single day, even if it's just a grabshot from my compact. I've recently endured 5 weeks unable to hold a camera, due to breaking my elbow, so I was getting pretty frustrated with not being able to take any pictures. I can't remember the photographer's name, but someone once said:
If you haven't taken a photo today you haven't learned anything.Wise words indeed! So I'm going to try and learn 366 things during the next 12 months - because 2008 is a Leap Year, you'll actually get an extra post for your money - 366 for the price of 365 - bargain!
Until then, you might as well go and read my other photographic blog for some hints and tips.